2011-02-06 的 Google news search shows no results about 江國慶, suggesting a concerted effort to block news about him. See below:
中時電子報 - 3小時之前
行政院大陸委員會六日表示,開放大陸人民來台觀光二年半以來,來台旅客人次累計達一八二萬人,粗估為台灣觀光與相關產業,帶來超過九百一十億新台幣外匯收益與商機。 自民國九十七年七月開放大陸遊客來台觀光,觀光人數一直呈穩定成長;去年,大陸來台總人數計一百六十三 ...
Compare this with how Egyptians react to the death of Khaled Said.
Nasser Nasser/Associated Press
Riot police surround supporters of slain man Khaled Said at a protest in Alexandria, Egypt, last June after Mr. Said died in police custody.
Published: February 5, 2011
If there is a face to the revolt that has sprouted in Egypt, it may be the face of Khaled Said.
Mr. Said, a 28-year-old Egyptian businessman, was pulled from an Internet cafe in Alexandria last June by two plainclothes police officers, who witnesses say then beat him to death in the lobby of a residential building. Human rights advocates said he was killed because he had evidence of police corruption.
The Egyptian police and security services have a well-earned reputation for brutality and snuffing out political opposition. But in Mr. Said, they unwittingly chose the wrong target....