Tuesday, June 28, 2011

比較美國: 部落客惡評麵店 賠20萬判拘役 IV
包括 Taiwan Echo 提供的文件及評論

刑事第八庭法官 張智雄
書記官 黃舜民 説:


Taiwan Echo:











比較美國: 部落客惡評麵店 賠20萬判拘役 III

More on this case:

I. From Taiwan Echo:

The original post of Ms Liu. Liu's blog has closed down, but the article can be found here :


The verdict of the first trial, which was on 2/15/2011 can be found here:


Note that there were 2 trials. After the first trial, Ms Liu appealed. The ruling of the 2nd trial was delivered several days ago, but I don't have the case number.

Note, also, that in the first trial, there were several weirdo :

1. The judge listened to several "witnesses" --- among them the restaurant owner, who sued Ms Liu. That is, in Taiwan, you can go to the court to sue someone, and play the role of witness, too.

2. The judge called for Liu's colleage, Tsai, and asked her questions. Tsai's answer did not collaborate with the "hard to eat" part, but she answered clearly that the restaurant was greasy and dirty in both of her two visits. But obviously the judge ignored her testimony;

3. No evidence was provided to show Liu's article
in any way effected the income of the restaurant. 

II. More media coverage of the case:

Taiwanese Blogger Fined $7000 for Negative Restaurant Review
The Taiwan High Court ruled that the claims were not backed by factual evidence. The blogger, they said, should not have referred to all the dishes as "too salty," since she only had one dish, and also noted that the conditions were not as unsanitary ...

Criminal Act? Taiwan's Salty Food Bloggers Face New Threat
Wall Street Journal (blog)
That's the situation a Taiwanese blogger finds herself facing after a court in the city of Taichung sentenced her to 30 days in detention for writing a critical review of a local restaurant. Taiwan is no stranger to libel lawsuits. ...

Friday, June 24, 2011

比較美國: 部落客惡評麵店 賠20萬判拘役 II

謝謝 李中志教授的回應:
不管什麼文化, 我相信法律都必須遵守 公平, 邏輯和常識.  就好像數學在任何文化裏應該是一樣的.  不應該因為人在台灣, 數學法律都不必邏輯.   I wrote:
一個評論 (review), 從定義來看, 就只是評論者的意見. 當評論者説麵太鹹, 任何人都知道這是評論者的意見.  法官的判決卻是, 你不能只吃一次就表達麵太鹹的意見. 
為什麼不可以呢?  這是我的誠實的認知呀!
我希望媒體公布整個案情, 包括法官的名字, 讓大家來決定這法官的判決是否合乎邏輯或常識.
假如我吃第二豌麵時,  麵不夠鹹了.  那就表示我應該修正我對第一豌麵的印象嗎?  或者懷疑我是不是記錯了第一豌麵的鹹度?  
能夠容忍 做出不合法判決的法官, 不要求他們受最嚴厲的制裁, 這樣的文化是劣質的文化.  



Yelpers Debate Boycotting Taiwan Over Blogger Imprisonment
Eater National
A Taiwanese blogger's recent 30-day jail sentence over a supposedly slanderous restaurant review on her personal site sparked a boycott discussion on Yelp, a community that takes its freedom of ill-informed, inane speech very seriously. ...

Food blogger jailed for 'salty' review
Globe and Mail (blog)
If you dare to call a restaurant's offerings "too salty" in Taiwan (especially after all we're reading these days about sodium), you could wind up behind bars, the Daily What notes. A woman with an amateur food blog of moderate success (the Taipei ...

2011-06-24: 李慶安案 1200 記念日

Thursday, June 23, 2011

比較美國: 部落客惡評麵店 賠20萬判拘役

首先注意到 下面提到的美國類似案件  Mr. Chow of New York v. Ste. Jour Azur S.A, 案子裏法官, 原告飯店, 和被告評論者全是公開的.  不像台灣,  法官, 原告飯店, 和被告評論者全部隱瞞.  台灣為什麼應該公開的東西卻隱瞞?  See https://groups.google.com/d/topic/i_love_taiwan/tjmrJEehlP4/discussion

一個評論 (review), 從定義來看, 就只是評論者的意見. 
當評論者説麵太鹹, 任何人都知道這是評論者的意見.
法官的判決卻是, 你不能只吃一次就表達麵太鹹的意見.  為什麼不可以呢?  這是我的誠實的認知呀!
我希望媒體公布整個案情, 包括法名字, 讓大家來決定這法官的判決是否合乎邏輯或常識.
It's not rare for restaurants to sue reviewers in America, but they almost never win. A 1985 ruling by the 2nd Circuit Federal Appeals Court in New York, in the case Mr. Chow of New York v. Ste. Jour Azur S.A., gave critics extremely wide berth for their restaurant reviews. The judge in the case explained that American readers understand that reviews represent the opinion of the writer, and so should not be taken factually. 
Taiwanese Blogger Gets Jail Time For Negative Restaurant Review
Huffington Post
A food blogger in Taiwan was sentenced to 30 days in jail, given two years probation and fined 200,000 New Taiwan Dollars ($6928 as of 3 PM this afternoon) for writing a negative review of a restaurant in Taichung, Taiwan. The blogger, whose surname is Liu, called the food "too salty" and said that there were cockroaches in the kitchen. A regular customer read Liu's blog, and told the restaurant's owner about the review. The owner sued Liu for libel. The Taichung court that ultimately ruled on the case decided that Liu's review was libelous because it was written after just one dinner, and so was not well-informed enough for such harsh judgment. The decision is final.
It's not rare for restaurants to sue reviewers in America, but they almost never win. A 1985 ruling by the 2nd Circuit Federal Appeals Court in New York, in the case Mr. Chow of New York v. Ste. Jour Azur S.A., gave critics extremely wide berth for their restaurant reviews. The judge in the case explained that American readers understand that reviews represent the opinion of the writer, and so should not be taken factually. Subsequent lawsuits in America have almost never been decided in favor of restaurants—our critics are too influential for punishment!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

馬英九的政治獻金跑哪去了? 特偵組?

2011/06/15大話新聞01:  KMT提名黑金.當選無效一籮筐.馬的清廉攏係假!!
by Greg197414 23 hours ago 7,241 views

Sunday, June 12, 2011

金恒煒: 司法沒救了








Friday, June 10, 2011


司法大小眼 不怕人笑
◎ 吳景欽

一起發生在民國七十九年的女童遭性侵殺害事件,靠著DNA鑑定 技術的進步,終於確認為蔡姓嫌疑犯,惟此案在經過廿一年後,是否已經逾越追訴權時效,卻成為問題,檢方則回應以此案一直處於偵查中,所以沒有逾越追訴權時 效,如此明快的回應,安慰了家屬之痛,卻也讓江國慶家屬情何以堪。
在 江國慶於一九九七年被草草槍決之後,即便家屬到處陳情,但由於造成冤罪的軍方人員,不僅仍在其位,且有人因此升官加爵,其必然會以其權勢地位,而想盡辦法 掩飾,就算家屬對相關人員提起濫權追訴罪的告訴,亦可能因罪證不足等因素,被以不起訴處分或行政簽結的方式為終結。如此的訴追障礙,只要這些人仍掌有一定 的權勢,必然會繼續遮掩,追訴權時效很難有不過之理。因此,類似江國慶案的訴追障礙,追訴權時效根本無從進行,自然也無離於時效之問題,若不解此種犯行之 特性,而仍認為追訴權時效已過,將使時效制度成為犯罪者的最佳保護傘。
在某些國家,如美國聯邦法典第三二八一條,即規定涉及死刑的案件,無 時效的問題,亞洲國家,如日本,亦在二○一○年四月刑法修正時,針對殺人等重罪,將追訴權時效的規定加以廢除。因此,追訴權時效並非絕對,檢方在面對追訴 權時效的認定時,不僅應該謹慎,以免使犯罪者有僥倖之心,更不應有因人而異的差別對待。