Friday, June 25, 2010

271億 拉法葉艦案 proves the law is used to protect Chinese KMT II


拉案一審拖9年、扁案2年二審 不符比例

前海軍艦管室主任雷學明、執行長姚能君、海軍研究發展中心主任王琴生、武器獲得室組長康世淳、參謀程志波、宣蓬萊等人,被控在採購拉法葉艦時,浮編新台幣40多億購艦預算貪污案,台北地院25日判決雷學明等6人無罪。 拉法葉購艦弊案,台北地方法院經過長達9年的審理,6/25日進行一審宣判,前海軍中將雷學明等6名被告判決無罪。雷學明得知判決結 果後表示感恩,但...[FullStory]


台灣調查機構認為,拉法葉 軍艦所涉及的非法佣金可能高達4億美元
台灣地方法院在經過九年的漫長審判時間後,宣佈因台法兩國軍購弊案被 起訴的海軍高級官員全部無罪。
台灣海軍在約二十年前向法國採購的拉法葉軍購案,涉及了近六億美元的 巨額回扣佣金,佣金部份不久前已由 國際商務法庭判決法方 向台方償還。
這起在前總統陳水扁上任後不久起訴的貪污案件,法院經過九年審判後才 進行宣判,其中一名中將被告已死亡 而不受理。
被起訴的五名軍官主要是台灣當年向法國購艦的海軍六人小組成員,其官 階包括中將,少將與及校級軍官,周 五宣判其全部獲判無 罪。
檢方在九年前起訴時,指控這些高級軍官違反國防部軍購政策,違反軍購 程序,縱容價格上漲浮編預算。
檢方的指控還包括其刻意混淆採購標的計價方式,刻意混淆匯率計算方 式,隱瞞價格暴漲,故意忽視其它國家 軍售提案等。
一審判決則對這些指控全判無罪,判決說,沒有證據顯示這些高級軍官獲 得分毫不法利益。
判決還說,被告皆為海軍專業人員,實難想像為何會不計利害,幹冒貪瀆 重責,執意圖利法方之可能。
一直追蹤此一案件的台灣資深記者溫紳對BBC中文網說,法 院對此案蝸牛化以九年時間審判後,作出此一判 決結果並不令人意外, 但勢將引起社會上質疑。
他表示,與前總統陳水扁被指控貪污的案件相比,司法在一年內即完成一 審並對陳水扁重判無期徒刑,兩相對 比下將更助長民間流傳 「法院是國民黨開的」說法。
這起在國民黨執政時爆發的醜聞,除了涉及貪污外也在造成一名台灣海軍 上校尹清楓當年被謀殺棄屍大海,謀 殺案至今未破。
陳水扁在十年前上任不久即宣示即使「動搖國本」也要偵破此一醜聞案, 但在卸任前他認為謀殺案證據已被有 系統湮滅,可能永無破 案機會。
他在卸任前還說,他對司法單位指示偵辦此案要有需要時,政府當局要錢 給錢,要人給人,但司法不辦就是不 辦,他也感到無奈。
溫紳表示,以海軍購艦六人小組來說,僅一名校級軍官被確認收取兩千萬 美元回扣,這使得小組其它將官成 員,或軍方更高階將 領,一直以來被懷疑按軍中輩份收取金額更高的回扣。
但司法除了被判無罪的這些直接涉及購艦事務的高級軍官外,並未起訴作 出決策的更高層軍方人士,法國前外 長杜馬當年指有巨額回 扣流向國民黨,台灣司法單位也未就此作出起訴。
檢方當年起訴的重大疑點包括台灣從原本計劃向韓國現代集團購艦,但其 後突然放棄轉向法方購艦,以及向法 國購艦金額被一再灌 水。
法院周五的判決則說台灣軍方購艦對象由韓國轉為法國並非由這些被告決 定,判決並說其未違反政策,最後購 艦金額比原先暴漲44億法郎,也非其責 任。
按台灣司法對此案的偵辦與判決來說,目前本案處於一種證實有回扣但沒 無收回扣官員,證實有謀殺案但無謀 殺兇手,以及證實購艦 價格暴升,但無人需負責的狀況。
對於這起跨國醜聞是否能通過司法而水落石出,溫紳並不表樂觀;他說在 司法緩步審理下已失去破案時機,社 會上的關注也隨著時間 而逐步疲乏
他並說,若以法官判決為被告設想的若干說法,以及判決拖到政黨再度輪 替才作出,台灣司法在本案的角色也 有啟人疑竇之處。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

從謝清志, 洪財隆, 陳垣崇 談到 詹啟賢, 馬英九, 馬以南
從蔡守訓, 馬英九, 李慶安, 談到陳水扁

一個關於 中國國民黨公然把司法 當做迫害反對者的工具 而用它來縱容保護自已人犯罪  的討論正在 [我愛台灣] [I Love Taiwan] 谷歌群組 熱烈地進行中. 我希望你加入討論 把你的意見寫在下面 同世人分享.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

南方朔先生, 你知道司法是不歸總統管的嗎?


他鼓勵總統把手伸進他無權管的司法.  他鼓勵總統操弄司法.  他看著司法變成統治者的工具, 看著台灣被一個獨裁政權統治而沾沾自喜. 

下面中國時報的文章附着一張南方朔旳像片.  讀者很容易得到一個印象: 南方朔書看很多, 必定很有學問.  這可能都是事實.  但我希望讀者問一個問題: 如果總統可以影響司法, 那麼當他犯罪時誰來辦他?

是不是這些看似讀了很多書的南方朔們合理化了把司法做為統治工具的獨栽政權?   合理化了中國國民黨獨栽統治台灣合理化了中國共產黨.

南方朔:捉大放小,才是政治智慧 (中國時報)

  • 南方朔口述/紀淑芳整理
總統馬英九如果在當選半年內就快刀斬亂麻,針對幾件綠朝時期特別重要的貪汙案,或幾個國民黨最恨的人,辦了抓起來,辦得漂漂亮亮的,人民會說你有魄力;但 是現在執政都兩年了,藍軍早已經恨死你了,現在再打扁案已經沒有用了,而且拖到現在若又動作太大,把台灣老百姓全部惹毛,對執政者自己也不利。

扁 案至今一大堆案不搞清楚,辦得毫無章法,這是老大無能,加上輿論失控在先,就像任何案子被TVBS一爆出,好像就變成不辦不行。司法和別的領域不一樣,被 控制的可能性最小,因此上層要先穩定下來,如果馬當初要求加快司法速度,先釐清哪些案子該辦或不該辦,在大案上處理得很漂亮,不該辦的就放人,不要拖拖拉 拉,這不算干涉司法,這是政治智慧。


任何國家,政府的 控制都無所不在,統治者必須自己權衡輕重。政治權威的建立是要在關鍵問題上立威、立信,小事情別人自然不介意。一個統治者如果不能在大問題上立威、立信, 那大問題吵完就開始吵中問題,中問題吵完吵小問題,小問題吵到死為止。台灣的問題是統治者無權威、無能力,下面的人亂搞,變成失控。

譬如 特別費案的處理,如果我來當總統,我會以總統的高度找司法界大老共同研商,作成結論就說這是「歷史共業」,全部一筆帶過。「歷史共業」是扯不清的事情,很 多今天認為對的事情,還原其歷史背景去看,當時也不是那麼沒道理,很多事情其實是灰濛濛。

馬自己雖然倒楣在特別費案上被辦過,但如果他在 上任之初就大方一點,都不記恨,很快解決掉,以後的遊戲規則就統統講清楚,如此一來,台灣老百姓會覺得你心胸滿大的,還滿服貼你的。若擔心這樣做藍軍會反 彈,那幾個貪汙案給我辦得漂漂亮亮的嘛!

有一部分藍色群眾主張絕對正義,TVBS就是一個例子,輿論的特色就是每個人都咬一個道理,聽起 來也都對,如果堅持死咬道理,咬不完的。不過,法律不是永遠都是單純的法律問題,一部分牽涉到情理,這種道理老祖宗都知道。

正如同綠色群 眾裡曾經也有人主張要絕對正義。我不是幫民進黨講話,若當初阿扁執政時很狠的話,是可以翻出一堆案子來的。當時扁只要硬辦黨產,就可以辦死國民黨,政治要 扯都可以扯出毒瘤來的。但政治是不能這樣玩的,有時候就是要得過且過,大家都要過日子。像現在有些金控案情已藏不住,沒辦法控制,但是其他的就不要再爆 了,我不是說那些大亨們是情有可原,而是這些案子牽涉太大,會動搖國本。

現在說這些都來不及了,大家罵馬無能,真是有道理。老百姓現在的 基本反應是,都執政兩年了,除弊不成,至少拜託做出一點政績好不好!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jerome Keating proves that the law is used to protect Chinese KMT and persecute Taiwanese

Tired of the Double Standard of Justice Under the KMT? Wait There is More.
Tuesday June 08, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.

The Double Standard of Justice and Prosecution that harkens back to the days of the Chinese Nationalist Party's (KMT) Martial Law era has returned to Taiwan with the administration of Ma Ying-jeou. Yes, we know that Ma keeps chanting the mantra that he is anti-corruption and the gullible western media sources continue to lap it up. Unfortunately they have always been too lazy to do their homework and measure Ma's words against his actions and/or his directives to his underlings. If nothing else those western media sources should remember the likes of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew who notoriously campaigned for re-election under a platform of law and order. The law and order Nixon and Agnew did not fare well in their encounters with the courts.

Nevertheless let us continue; first there is little need to go over the many past violations. For those with short memories; I simply refer them to my postings of April 30, May 7, and May 9th. Scroll back a little and one will see enough of the details. Here I will go on to continued developments. On May 13, the prosecutors made an announcement; they were considering charging the aides of KMT Speaker of the Legislative Yuan, Wang Jin-pyng with forgery and/or falsifying the documentation for expenses of his special allowance fund. Though this is a similar fund that Chen Shui-bian and not his aides has spent two years in jail for allegedly falsifying, the prosecutors were "considering" charging Wang's aides and not Wang himself.

Of the US$600,000 involved, Wang has been given a Proceed to Go without Going to Jail Card because he allegedly did not pocket any of this money. Say what? If the documents that demonstrate on what the money was spent are false, how do we know that the money was spent at all? How do we know the money was not pocketed? If "fraudulent receipts" were used to claim reimbursements, the mystery remains where the money did go, and how it is justified. When the same claim was made against several members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), they were all indicted. But here the courts are only considering indicting not Wang, but only his aides. Believable? It gets worse.

No sooner was Wang given his get out of jail free card than he turned around and urged the prosecutors to give a lighter punishment to the KMT legislator found guilty of pocketing the salaries paid to his legislative aides. Wang stated that the KMT legislator violated the law because he probably did not understand the regulations. Say what again? It seems the KMT legislator used the names of four of his relatives to claim the paychecks for himself, but he did not realize this was against the law. That legislator, Kwan Yuk-noan claimed in his defense that this is the way that they did things, at least on the KMT side of the aisle. On the DPP side, you get indicted and sent to jail.

The stories continue. Also on May 13, the Control Yuan cleared KMT Ma Ying-jeou of censure over the goof-ups and incompetent handling and testing of the Wenshan-Neihu MRT line. The Control Yuan did not indict Ma on these charges; instead they met with him "for tea" and decided it must be the fault of those underneath him. Ma was only Mayor and the buck had to stop before it reached his office. After they cleared KMT Ma of being responsible for the design and construction of the MRT project, they then also cleared current KMT Mayor of Taipei Hau Lung-bin of any responsibility of carrying out this poor design and not testing it properly. Since KMT Ma was not guilty, KMT Hau also could not be guilty; again it was just those underlings beneath both of them. The buck only stops at the office of those in charge when they are DPP.

A final twist of irony came last week. In a report on the income of the various high-ranking officials in the land, it was noted that the personal income of Ma Ying-jeou dropped in the past two years by about a half-million US$. By a strange set of circumstances and coincidences, that was the same time when Ma's secretary was in jail for having earlier put an extra US$ one half million into Ma's bank account. Poor Ma, once you lose a good secretary, they are hard to replace aren't they.