Friday, January 23, 2009

扁案司法鬧劇 國外媒體注意
But Taiwanese are mute

Relative to the shock and disgust felt outside of Taiwan about the incredibly illegal proceedings in KMT's persecution of 陳水扁 and his family and friends, Taiwanese are amazingly mute. In regards to the extreme unethical and unprofessional conducts of 台北地檢署檢察官,
In a celebration of the 63rd Law Day (司法節), ... Taipei District Prosecutor Office arranged a show on the stage to humiliate the accused, the former President Chen Shui-bian, who is still under THEIR OWN ongoing investigations.
Taiwanese reactions are inappropriate for civilized people:
  • None of the prosecutors had been disciplined
  • Not only that, Justice Minister Wang openly defended the act as clean fun
  • Judges, prosecutors and lawyers being entertained during the infamous event have been silent, making me wonder how they have the courage and sense of justice to defend citizens' rights.
Taiwanese should reflect on why it is foreigners who are fighting for their justice.





台北地方法院這個星期的密集開庭,審判的案件包括檢方對陳水扁及其家人的貪污,收賄,洗錢等指控,檢察官在一起政府單位收 購民間土地的案件中,以"借勢借端勒索"等多項罪名起訴陳水扁。對於被冠上這種一般用於起訴地痞流氓的罪名,陳水扁在法庭上說這是對他的羞辱,令他死不瞑 目。







馬英九此前已多次作過類似的表示,再度表態可能與他在美國哈佛大學求學時的教授孔傑榮(Jerome Cohen)一段公開喊話有關,他說希望馬英九不要讓此案成為鬧劇,並應阻止令人越來越感到不安的鬧劇氣氛。




但針對台灣政府對陳水扁相關案件的處理,孔傑榮認為馬英九迎合國民黨內的極端派, 並說馬迎合右派保守勢力的作法,與剛卸任的美國總統布什類似。

這起案子是否能受到公平審判,除了受到美國學者的關切外,也受到剛離任的英國駐台代表麥瑞裡(Michael Reilly)的關心。






對於痛恨陳水扁的一派來說,他們認為陳水扁一切待遇都有罪有應得並應受更嚴厲對待, 一些對輿論有引導作用的"名嘴"與國民黨立委,並且例常性的在台灣媒體上對陳水扁提出各種指控。





US-based Taiwan experts add names to open letter

By William Lowther
Saturday, Jan 24, 2009, Page 3

Two important Taiwan experts based in Washington have added their names to the open letter published in the Taipei Times earlier this week expressing concern about what they see as an erosion of justice in Taiwan.

The new signatories are former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Randall Schriver and George Washington University academic Michael Yahuda.

In the original letter a group of international academics and writers urged President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to order an independent inquiry into the way police squashed protests during the visit of Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin (陳雲林).

The letter said: “The establishment of a scrupulously neutral commission is essential if there is to be a fair and objective conclusion on the disturbances that occurred during the Chen Yunlin visit.”

Freedom House, Amnesty International and US professor Jerome Cohen have also strongly recommended an independent inquiry.

At the same time, the group has expressed concern about the legal proceedings in the case of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and political pressure from KMT members of the Legislative Yuan that preceded a switch from a three-judge panel that had released the former president on his own cognizance to a court that subsequently detained him again.

The letter said there had been a “widespread pattern of leaks to the media regarding ongoing cases — leaks, which because of their content and nature can only have come from the prosecutors’ offices.”

It mentioned a recent skit in which some prosecutors involved in Chen’s case poked fun at the former president.

“This pattern of behavior displays a distinct bias in the judicial system and a disregard for fair and impartial processes,” it said.

It concluded by again urging Ma “to ensure that your government and its judiciary and parliamentary institutions safeguard the full democracy, human rights and freedom of expression.”

In an article published this week in its Taiwan Communique, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs said the last few months had seen a further erosion of human rights and democracy in Taiwan.

It said the downward slide started in mid-October with the arrest and detention of former and present officials of the Democratic Progressive Party administration and worsened with aggressive police behavior during the Chen Yunlin visit in early November.

“Both developments were reminiscent of Taiwan’s police state under the Kuomintang’s [KMT] martial law, which lasted from 1947 until 1987,” the article said.

It quoted Cohen, who was Ma’s law professor at Harvard, as saying that the recent court proceedings against Chen Shui-bian “mocked the promise” of fairness.

“At what point does the presumption of innocence become meaningless and the pre-conviction detention morph into punishment for a crime not finally proved?” Cohen asked.

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