Saturday, September 26, 2009

高雄捷運 42.7公里 28.8億/Km 節省23%: 弊案
內湖線 14.8公里 54.8億/Km 追加134%: 拒查

高捷會是弊案嗎? Jason2009/09/25




高捷營運得不好是事實,但現在大眾運輸工具沒有一個營運得好。經濟這麼壞,國內投資衰退,交通工具的使用率怎麼會高 ?這麼多人都失業在家,幹嘛出們搭捷運、高鐵?




哪裡有弊案,不是很清楚嗎? 〔 資料來源: 傑森等等我 | 引用網址 〕

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

高鐵: 一查再查
貓纜 捷運木柵內湖線 新生高架橋: 拒查

The cost for the 345 Km 高鐵 is 15 億/Km; the cost for the 14.8 Km 捷運木柵內湖線 is 50 億 /Km.

高鐵 is Taiwan's pride; 捷運木柵內湖線 is Taiwan's embarrassment and headache.

高鐵: 一查再查.
捷運木柵內湖線: 拒查.

王定宇 張銘清跌倒案: 徒刑4月

踹傷阿扁男子蘇安生通緝遭逮| 即時新聞| 社會新聞| 聯合新聞網

2009年8月25日 ... 愛國同心會成員蘇安生(68歲)去年踹傷前總統陳水扁,並對前駐日代表許世楷「架拐子」

尋找夢想的天空:黨國司法重判王定宇與輕判蘇安生的天壤之別待遇- 樂多日誌

2008年10月31日 ... 主張和中國統一的「愛國同心會」成員蘇安生對駐日代表許世楷架拐子、踹前總統陳水扁臀部,才求刑四個月,還成了馬冏九流政府的國慶貴賓,王定宇明明 ... - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容 -

張銘清案 民進黨質疑差別待遇

中國評論 - ‎2009年9月21日‎
中評社台北9月22日電(記者鄒麗泳)民進黨籍台南市議員王定宇去年推倒大陸海協會副會長張銘清事件,台南地方法院昨天宣判,王定宇一審被判4個月。民進黨上午表達尊重司法判決結果,但也強調,原告張銘清從未到台灣出庭、也沒有配合司法辦案,相關證據顯示對張銘清非常禮遇 ...

張銘清跌倒案 王定宇8日起訴求刑1年2個月

自由電子報:王定宇被求刑 綠委批雙重標準 【10/30 11:48】




Saturday, September 19, 2009

馬干預司法 與納粹無異

德國慕尼黑大學講座教授許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)表示,「德國納粹時代的法律人選擇沉默,結果嚴重危害世人」、「在民主法治推動的過程,法律人絕不能裝聾又裝瞎,才不會淪為替政治服務,國家憲政運作才不致出現危機。」...

Why are 司法院長賴英照, 大法官, law professionals and anyone silent?

藍營圍攻洪英花 法界批馬下指導棋


指馬干預司法 與納粹無異

此位不願具名的司法官昨天引用德國慕尼黑大學講座教授許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)的說法表示,「德國納粹時代的法律人選擇沉默,結果嚴重危害世人」、「在民主法治推動的過程,法律人絕不能裝聾又裝瞎,才不會淪為替政治服務,國家憲政運作才不致出現危機。」


揚 塵綜合法律事務所律師林宇文昨天也表明認同洪英花論點,他表示,扁案於台北地院分案時,由幾位庭長開會後,逕將後起訴的「扁案」併給前案、審理「珍案」的 蔡守訓合議庭,這種以行政命令方式換法官,牴觸法官法定原則,蔡守訓所組成的合議庭不是合法法官,所做出來的判決當然自始無效,洪英花法官的論點沒有錯。

前 台北地院審判長、執業律師吳孟良表示,法官法定原則是審判獨立的核心,台北地院當初將有重大貪污及犯罪金額一億元以上的扁案定位在金融專庭審理,抽籤分案 後,由周占春審判長負責,就應該由他承審,即使北院後來以庭長會議的五位庭長決議更換法官,也不具代表性,應該是加上十三位審判長成員才對,否則應不致有 審判合法性與否的爭議。


綠營支持者 擬聲援洪英花

〔記 者李欣芳/台北報導〕士林地方法院庭長洪英花主張扁案判決自始無效,連日來遭藍營及親藍媒體圍剿,綠營支持者有聲援洪英花的聲浪,有綠營大老建議,可發動 送花給洪英花等為扁案人權發出正義之聲的法官,以實際行動給予溫暖,否則法界將來恐因扁案引發寒蟬效應,導致沒人敢講真話。


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Manthorpe: no convincing evidence
1,500-page judgment .. bafflegab

Evidence fails to support life sentence for Taiwan's former president

By Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver SunSeptember 16, 2009

When a court in Taiwan imposes a life sentence, there is an automatic appeal to a higher panel of judges, but former president Chen Shui-bian and his wife Wu Shu-chen should not nurse too many hopes that the draconian penalties imposed on them last week will be moderated.

From the start, the campaign to prosecute Chen, who stepped down in May last year after two four-year terms as president, and his wife for corruption have not passed the smell test of a fair and independent judicial process.

Many people both in Taiwan and abroad have commented since the process began that it looks more like political persecution of Chen, whose Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) promotes Taiwan as an independent nation, by the new Kuomintang (KMT) party of president Ma Ying-jeou than a genuine attempt to eradicate graft in high places.

Ma and the KMT, which for 50 years ran Taiwan as a one-party state under martial law until it was pushed by the United States into democratization in the late 1980s, have been edging Taiwan toward some kind of political union with China since they regained control of the administration in May last year.

In sentencing Chen and Wu to life in prison, the court has, doubtless inadvertently, presented Beijing with a gift and Taiwan's 23 million people a stern warning that they are not masters in their own house.

To put it bluntly, no convincing evidence was presented during the trial on which Chen could be convicted of corruption, embezzlement or money laundering by an impartial court, though that cannot be said of Wu, her brother or her children.

The campaign to prepare the expectation that Chen is guilty and would go to prison for a long time began during the investigation by prosecutors.

There was a steady stream of often scurrilous and insubstantial stories leaked to the media, whose proprietors are largely KMT supporters, spinning a web of guilt around Chen.

Chen was then held incommunicado for a month late last year before any indictment was presented. He was formally detained on Dec. 20 and when he applied for bail, was granted it.

But there was then an uproar by KMT legislators and a new judge was made head of the court. He is Tsai Shou-hsun, who, coincidentally no doubt, had recently found Ma not guilty of charges of, while mayor of Taipei, misusing discretionary funds, very similar charges that Chen faced.

Tsai immediately ordered Chen's pretrial detention to continue in case the former president tried to influence witnesses. And Tsai has presided over the trial and delivered the verdict.

And the documentation around these cases is so voluminous it smells of bafflegab.

The indictment is 202 pages in Chinese. The press release from the Taipei District Court announcing the verdict is 59 pages and this, apparently, is a prelude to the full 1,500-page judgment.

The first 190 pages of the indictment track the $30 million US in campaign donations and $15 million US in presidential discretionary funds on their way to accounts in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland.

This is the money laundering case, but it is only a crime if the money was illegally obtained. And nowhere in the prosecution's case is there evidence that this money was got illegally. There's a lot of supposition and sly suggestion, but no evidence.

In Taiwan, election law says, despite efforts by Chen's administration to change it in the face of KMT obstruction, that leftover campaign donations belong to the candidate. And Chen dealt with the discretionary funds in exactly the same way as predecessors.

Chen says he left the family finances to Wu, who is known to be avaricious and has some reason to seek the security that money brings.

In 1986, Chen and Wu, while travelling around Tainan County thanking supporters, were attacked by a man driving a farm tractor. The driver missed Chen, but ran over Wu and a campaign aide. He backed up and drove over Wu again and then drove over her a third time.

Her back was broken and since then she has had to use a wheelchair. The driver was questioned by police, who concluded it was an accident, and no charges were laid.

There is little doubt that Wu received bribes in the case of land acquisition for a high tech science park.

But there was no evidence that she told Chen. Indeed, all the evidence says the couple has fallen out because Wu lied to her husband about what was going on.

臺灣法律人 又聾又瞎

德國學者許迺曼:法律人不可又聾又瞎 2009年09月14日 23:04 中央社即時



  政治大學上午由校長吳思華頒授名譽法學博士學位給許迺曼,肯定他促進台德兩國法學教育與學術研究交流的貢獻;這是許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)繼蒙古國家大學、西班牙薩拉哥薩大學、秘魯摩客瓜大學、喬治亞共和國第比利斯大學後,所獲得的第5個名譽博士學位。




Tuesday, September 15, 2009

扁案判決書長達1,400多頁 重約3公斤

How much of this 1,400 pages and 3 kg is evidence, the only thing valid in the court?
Almost none. See the full text at 扁案一審判決書.pdf

Why did the judge hand down a 3kg 1,400 page life-imprisonment verdict with almost no evidence?
Answer: this is not a legal case. This is political persecution.

士林地方法院刑庭長: 扁案判決自始無效

I hereby demand a clarification from the Justice Department and the Grand Justice:
when the case has been handled so unconstitutionally, is the verdict valid?
Why is Grand Justice silent on this? Why is the Justice Department silent on this?

◎ 洪英花 (士林地方法院 刑庭長)





憲 法第八條明定,人民非由法院依法定程序不得審問處罰。所謂「法院」,當指有審判權之法官所構成之獨任或合議之法院(司法院釋字第三八四號、第三九二號參 照)。「法定法官」乃能依法對人民審問處罰,蔡守訓合議庭為「簽呈法官」,對扁案既無審理權責,更無羈押權,扁案判決自始、當然無效。









司 法院釋字第四一八號指出「憲法第十六條保障人民有訴訟之權,旨在確保人民有依法定程序受公平審判之權利。」釋字第四三六號亦表明「國家刑罰權之發動與運 作,必須符合正當法律程序之最低要求。」個案正義的落實,所賴絕不止於實體審理結果的有罪、無罪,並兼含程序實踐的過程與堅持。(作者為士林地方法院 刑庭長)