司法與媒體從沒有把阿扁與馬英九、民進黨與國民黨放在同一個天平上衡量I see this as a spark for a powerful social movement to demand fairness. My friend is skeptical and questioned:
How do you think we should do "to start a campaign to demand FAIRNESS in Taiwan"? Haven't they been doing just that -- Wild Strawberry Student Movement, for example. Why is the article a good starting point?The answer is that
- no one can openly oppose fairness.
- while some people have no clue about the evil of 集會遊行法, or 先羈押 再查證據. no one can claim that they do not understand fairnes.
- this gives Taiwanese an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate the fairness [or lack of] in Taiwan
- Taiwan is a painful place to live if we can't make it a fair society. Imagine how we have suffered the unfairness of the judicial system, news media and political parties.
Everybody speaks up in your own way (blogging, sign petitions, ...) to demand fairness.We will fail to succeed only if people decide to keep quiet. But I see hope in the momentum that Wild Strawberry movement has built and other great projects, for example, 台灣維新影子政府網站.
It is difficult not to be impressed by this web site. Here are somethings that immediately catch your attention:
Finally, the powerful article:
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