Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why is the judicial system stalling all Ma's treason lawsuits?

Here are three treason cases against Ma. But there should be millions. Why is the judicial system stalling all Ma's treason lawsuits? Is it because treason is mickey mouse business? Or is it similar to this:

張銘清跌倒案 王定宇8日起訴求刑1年2個月

Taipei Times
Nov 5, 2008 ... Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and several independence supporters filed a treason lawsuit against President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) ...
www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2008/11/05/2003427814 - 30k -

DPP files treason charges against Ma - The China PostTAIPEI, Taiwan --Lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party sued President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday for alleged treason, over his decision to declassify ...


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ma's regime is a sham,
including and particularly the judicial system III

A simple description of the system is
  • KMT and the its government can violate law in any way they wish, however ridiculous or outrageous they may look. They are blind and deaf to any protests or requests for investigation.
  • But people are supposed to abide by the law. People have been well trained to swallow in silence any injustice, considering it their fate.
Here is another absolutely outrageous episode 金恆煒 called 司法「馬戲團」in which KMT takes off any pretense of being legal:










Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ma's regime is a sham,
including and particularly the judicial system II

The 2008-12-26's episode of 《大話新聞》shows how scandalous the system works. KMT shows not the slightest shame of being openly unfair and of its unrestrained use of double standards.

The video is section 1 of the program. For the rest, please visit 2008-12-26 《大話新聞》特偵組秘證人也..

Ma's regime is a sham,
including and particularly the judicial system

The 2008-12-26's episode of [頭家來開講─追殺綠營不手軟 碰到藍營緩一緩] shows how scandalous the system works. KMT shows not the slightest shame of being openly unfair and of its unrestrained use of double standards.
The video is section 1 of the program. For the rest, please visit 1226 頭家來開講─追殺綠營不手軟 碰到藍..

Friday, December 26, 2008

Demand immediate arrest of 李慶安 before she flees like 王又曾 IV

This report suggests strongly that
  • 李慶安 and 馬英九 will soon be in huge legal trouble in the United States because of tax evasion
  • To avoid legal problems in Taiwan and US, 李慶安 and 馬英九 will take refuge in Chinese territory.

美將可向李慶安追稅 [and 馬英九]

李恐吃官司 被追討千萬元

〔記 者曾韋禎/台北報導〕國民黨立委李慶安仍具美國籍,除可能面臨被追討民代生涯所支領的一億一千餘萬薪給外,還可能遭美國國稅局追討欠稅!曾在美國任會計師 的民進黨前立委江昭儀(左圖,記者劉信德攝)表示,李慶安現仍有美國籍,美國國稅局有權向她追討歷年未申報所得稅,加上罰金、利息,李恐會被追討新台幣一 千餘萬元,甚至還會面臨牢獄之災。江昭儀指出,他將向美方檢舉李逃漏稅,檢舉方式可透過AIT,也能利用信件或電子郵件檢舉。


江昭儀揚言 將向美方檢舉

江 昭儀表示,依「美國內地稅法典」的規範,李慶安仍擁美國籍,她在台灣任公職十三年的收入,統統是逃漏稅,光是議員四年、每年可支領近二百五十萬的公費及出 席費,立委九年、每年可領約二百七十萬的公費,十三年薪資以最保守的廿%稅率計算,僅本稅就需繳納近七百萬元,再加上二成的罰款約一百餘萬元,以及欠稅的 利息約二百餘萬,美國國稅局至少可向李慶安追討一千餘萬。




The above report would have been much more powerful if it had contained information on how to 檢舉李 [and Ma] 逃漏稅,檢舉方式可透過AIT,也能利用信件或電子郵件檢舉.

Those who knows 江昭儀 please ask him to write an article to provide these information so common folks can contribute easily.

We should publicize 馬英九's scandalous life widely so it becomes the talk of the nations. This will help bring Ma's regime down quicker.

Demand immediate arrest
of 李慶安
before she flees like 王又曾 III


It is beyond any doubt that 李慶安 is an American, see for example, Demand immediate arrest of 李慶安 before she flees like 王又曾 or
美國官方回函確認李慶安是美國人. Furthermore, there is no way to 拖延處理 because the case is close, see 挽救國會形象 王不能迴避:
In this new chapter of KMT stonewalling us Taiwanese, did KMT legislators even care to put out a facade of morality, human decency, or an obligation towards citizens?

KMT is stonewalling Taiwanese anyway it can and we must unite to stop it!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

特偵組 above and beyond people and law

壹蘋果網絡 - 38分鐘前


Taiwanese must be 震怒 at 特偵組 for leaking, nay, broadcasting their investigation plus rumors to the media during their persecution of non-KMT people such as 陳水扁.

特偵組 must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 特偵組 gives an example of how unjust the judicial system is: citizens must abide by the law, but 特偵組 can violate law on a daily basis.

Demand immediate arrest
of 李慶安
before she flees like 王又曾 II


To say 陳水扁 is a flight risk is to defy any logic. This is a man who is shadowed every second of his life by security personnels and has been prohibited from leaving the country. He could not possibly sneak out because everybody recognizes him. In contrast, if 李慶安 flies out of Taiwan today, will the judicial system be able to bring her back to face the criminal charges and to
pay back the NT$ 100,000,000+ she took from the government?

Going after 陳水扁 using the reason that he is a flight risk proves that the judicial system is used as a persecution tool. The fact that 李慶安 is such a huge flight risk, and yet the judicial system takes no action proves that judicial system is used to protect criminals. Now ask why our judicial system is used to persecute non-KMT peole and to protect criminals?

If I were 李慶安, I would sneak out now. But I believe, in her mind, she is sure the judicial system will protect her:
  • Judicial system will continue stonewalling any request to investigage or arrest her
  • If necessary, judicial system will conspire to help her get away, just like 王又曾

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Demand immediate arrest of 李慶安 before she flees like 王又曾

This report Diane Lee still a US citizen should prove beyond any reasonable doubt that 李慶安 is an American citizen. Actually, a simple read of American law will show that clearly, see Citizenship lesson for Lee. The judicial system loves to put non-KMT people in jail on the pretense that the suspects may flee. Not arresting 李慶安 will provide her an opportunity to flee like 王又曾, and it would be impossible to get her back because she is an American citizen.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Media and Law: Ma standard and Chen standard-
Extreme double standards

2008-12-19: 頭家來開講 第2節

Now, the following words become such understatement.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Start a social movement to demand fairness

I received an article (see below) in the mail, which contains these powerful words:

I see this as a spark for a powerful social movement to demand fairness. My friend is skeptical and questioned:
How do you think we should do "to start a campaign to demand FAIRNESS in Taiwan"? Haven't they been doing just that -- Wild Strawberry Student Movement, for example. Why is the article a good starting point?
The answer is that
  • no one can openly oppose fairness.
  • while some people have no clue about the evil of 集會遊行法, or 先羈押 再查證據. no one can claim that they do not understand fairnes.
  • this gives Taiwanese an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate the fairness [or lack of] in Taiwan
  • Taiwan is a painful place to live if we can't make it a fair society. Imagine how we have suffered the unfairness of the judicial system, news media and political parties.
How to start this movement? Easy:
Everybody speaks up in your own way (blogging, sign petitions, ...) to demand fairness.
We will fail to succeed only if people decide to keep quiet. But I see hope in the momentum that Wild Strawberry movement has built and other great projects, for example, 台灣維新影子政府網站.
It is difficult not to be impressed by this web site. Here are somethings that immediately catch your attention:


馬英九 2008年1月28日承認擁有綠卡,距今
李慶安 2008年3月12日遭踢爆雙重國籍,距今
貓纜 2008年10月1日開始停駛,距今

Finally, the powerful article:






就是因為司法與媒體從沒有把阿扁與馬英九、民進黨與國民黨放在同一個天平上衡量過我們才會如此不服。收了一些政治獻金來從事選舉活動,就是貪污?那國民黨呢? 我們先不說他們的政治獻金有多少,光國民黨執政這五十多年以及馬英九八年台北市長加上這半年的總統任內,因錯誤的政策、浮濫的預算編列及豆腐渣式的公共工程品質(例如貓纜),花了人民多少公帑?大家有算過嗎?
