Saturday, December 19, 2009

去年江陳會 司改會提告/11件警濫權施暴案 統統不起訴

去年江陳會 司改會提告/11件警濫權施暴案 統統不起訴


協助受害民眾提告案 也多判無罪





林 峰正表示,上述案件要打勝的難度在於,法官傳喚被告警政高官,不是推說「打人的不是我的員警」或「那個人我不認識」,要不就指「我沒有授意員警打人」,若 法官不盯緊一點、認真詳查,案子就不了了之。他強調,司改會及北市律師公會之所以告發、協助訴訟,是為受害者討公道、測試司法獨立性,另凸顯現行集遊法的 不合理,並促使法院釐清管制區不是警察愛劃到哪就到哪。

他另指出,仍在訴訟中的一案,是當事人不願出示身分證件,遭警方架去派出所。而馬政 府日前公布聯合國兩個人權公約國內施行法上路,內政部即提出檢討社會秩序法規定,警察查察時,對民眾拒絕陳述姓名、住所或居所者,即構成違反社會秩序法, 並得加以拘留或罰鍰,「恐有違憲」,他希望馬政府真能落實兩公約精神。


Thursday, November 12, 2009

KMT 張宏年 胡志強 貪汙: 判決無罪

20091111莓莓新聞爆米香 (6/6)

向電玩業索賄案 收錢 無施壓實證 張宏年無罪







 胡志強作證,「該二案核准當年,並無其他申請電玩業通過市府核准,當時已到十二月年底,考量到這一點,才予以核准」;「會核准原因,是因 為申請內容合法,且我不想讓當年申請核准件數掛零」。廖德淘稱,將議長的關切用鉛筆註記,是讓長官瞭解該二案是張議長所關切案件。

Premier 吳敦義's gangster connection
KMT disinterests in and stonewalls investigation

Taipei Times: Lai (賴清德) urges justice ministry to investigate Wu Den-yih (吳敦義)

MORE ALLEGATIONS: The legislator said he suspected the premier was involved in an incident in which a politician was allegedly threatened
By Shelley Huang and Flora Wang
Friday, Nov 13, 2009, Page 3

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator William Lai (賴清德) yesterday asked Minister of Justice Wang Ching-feng (王清峰) to launch a probe into whether Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) has tried to influence next month’s Nantou County commissioner election through illegal means.

In a closed-door meeting between the two at the Ministry of Justice, Lai told Wang prosecutors should investigate whether Wu asked gang members to scare Non-Partisan Party candidate Chen Chen-sheng (陳振盛) out of running in the election, which would violate the Criminal Code and the Recall Act of Public Servants (公職人員選舉罷免法).

In a written petition, Lai said Chen was threatened on Oct. 6 by a gang member, who told Chen he would be “taken care of” if he ran in the election. Lai said he suspected Wu was linked to the incident.

Lai urged prosecutors to probe the matter immediately because a month had already passed since the incident.
Comment: The judicial system shows no interest and takes no action whatsoever, even though this has been reported to the police and frequently criticized in the talk shows.
The ministry accepted Lai’s petition and said the case would be processed in accordance with the law.

Speaking to reporters afterward, Lai said Wang had declined to allow reporters to attend their meeting because she feared public scrutiny of the case.

“I urge the public to keep an eye on this case so that it is not forgotten,” he said.

Wu has been on the defensive since allegations surfaced that he has connections to organized crime.

Wu has conceded that he went on a trip to Bali, Indonesia, with a group that included Nantou County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching (李朝卿) and Chiang Chin-liang (江欽良), a former gangster.

Chiang, now chairman of the Tsaoyetun Night Market Association in Caotun Township (草屯), Nantou County, was convicted of murder in two separate cases: the slaying of a Changhua gangster and a Nantou County council member in 1983 and 1985 respectively.

On Tuesday, Wu’s lawyer filed a slander lawsuit against DPP Nantou County commissioner candidate Lee Wen-chung (李文忠) for saying Wu had links to organized crime.

In other news, a group of academics and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Chiang Ling-chun (江玲君) yesterday urged candidates running in this weekend’s KMT Central Standing Committee by-election to practice clean politics.

The group told a press conference at the legislature that they would e-mail or fax a written pledge to the 73 candidates and release the names of those who sign it ahead of tomorrow’s poll.

Chiang said the candidates had performed well so far and she hoped that none would resort to smearing their opponents.

Liu Teng-chung (劉燈鐘), deputy director of the KMT’s Department of Youth Affairs and a professor at Kang-Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management, called for a clean election after allegations of bribery in an earlier poll.

Liu was referring to last month’s Central Standing Committee election. Claims of rampant bribery overshadowed the results of the election. Most of the committee members resigned after the KMT’s Evaluation and Disciplinary Committee suspended the membership rights of 12 committee members.

The party at first said it would not redo the poll, but President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), who doubles as KMT chairman, and high-ranking KMT officials urged committee members to resign in order to necessitate a second election.

Monday, November 2, 2009

台北地方法院: 金恆煒須賠償馬英九夫人周美青「名譽損失費」六十萬台幣...












Sunday, October 18, 2009

A combo of persecution, brainwashing & insult

Many filed treason cases against Ma Ying-Jeou (see the yellow sidebar). The KMT-owned judicial system stonewalls all the lawsuits against Ma. He has been signing secret and unequal treaties with China and is conspiring to turn Taiwan into Tibet with ECFA. The judicial system not only will not investigate, but will do anything to protect this worst traitor, while persecuting innocents. Now this:
This reminds me of what I wrote on a similar absurdity:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who needs 共諜 when China has 馬英九?

I was shocked and angered when I read this news that made headline in all papers. I failed to see why the event was newsworthy, let alone making headline news. If 地檢署 were truly interested in catching 共諜 , then why don't they arrest the number one 共諜 馬英九, who has at least three treason cases pending [see the yellow side box]. He just signed a secret treaty with China that constitutes another iron-clad case of treason. Why is it that 馬英九's treason cases do not make headline news, yet the two insignificant unknown 王仁炳 and 陳品仁, who are in no position to sell out Taiwan made headline news? Can you leave a comment to enlighten me?

臺灣新浪網 - 1小時前
台北地檢署偵辦總統府專門委員王仁炳涉及共諜案,發現王仁炳兩年內以工作之便或接觸經手公文機會,總共蒐集近百件包含「絕對機密」在內的總統府公文,影印後再轉交前國會助理陳品仁。檢方這兩天將密集提訊王陳兩人,釐清究竟還有多少機密外洩到中國。 ...
查扣百件機密公文王仁炳洩密溯及扁任內 中時電子報
共諜潛進了總統府還談什麼「善意回應」? 自由時報
聯合新聞網 - 人間福報 - 軍事新聞網 - 新報
所有 228 則相關新聞 »

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grand Justice declares ROC constitution rapable

What is 協同意見書? In his quote, 大法官黃茂榮 clearly stated that it was wrong to 換法官. Then why did he 支持合憲解釋的多數意見?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

市議員闖入貓纜, 地檢署三天內主動偵辦
市議員告貓纜弊案, 檢察官一年不動如山

本帖最後由 第七文明 於 2009-10-14 07:28 PM 編輯

[url=thread-3878859-1-1.html]貓纜新聞爭議 北檢主動偵辦[/url]

台北市貓纜疑似保全鬆散,遭爆被人闖入閩閡閤閨滹漈漘漙台 北市政府經過調查,12日下午召開記者會公布錄音帶內容。對此,帶著電視台記者去拍攝的台北市議員洪健益隨後也出面說明,他坦承,「門是我推開的,是我做 的沒錯,與任何人沒關係」,但他強調,那天真的是電視台記者請他去拍的,他哪有能耐主導一切,他還痛批,台北市長郝龍斌任由發言人亂發言,台北市政府若要 提告予以尊重,若提告不成,他會提出誣告反擊。




下載: 訪客無法瀏覽下載點,請先註冊登入會員




Saturday, September 26, 2009

高雄捷運 42.7公里 28.8億/Km 節省23%: 弊案
內湖線 14.8公里 54.8億/Km 追加134%: 拒查

高捷會是弊案嗎? Jason2009/09/25




高捷營運得不好是事實,但現在大眾運輸工具沒有一個營運得好。經濟這麼壞,國內投資衰退,交通工具的使用率怎麼會高 ?這麼多人都失業在家,幹嘛出們搭捷運、高鐵?




哪裡有弊案,不是很清楚嗎? 〔 資料來源: 傑森等等我 | 引用網址 〕

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

高鐵: 一查再查
貓纜 捷運木柵內湖線 新生高架橋: 拒查

The cost for the 345 Km 高鐵 is 15 億/Km; the cost for the 14.8 Km 捷運木柵內湖線 is 50 億 /Km.

高鐵 is Taiwan's pride; 捷運木柵內湖線 is Taiwan's embarrassment and headache.

高鐵: 一查再查.
捷運木柵內湖線: 拒查.

王定宇 張銘清跌倒案: 徒刑4月

踹傷阿扁男子蘇安生通緝遭逮| 即時新聞| 社會新聞| 聯合新聞網

2009年8月25日 ... 愛國同心會成員蘇安生(68歲)去年踹傷前總統陳水扁,並對前駐日代表許世楷「架拐子」

尋找夢想的天空:黨國司法重判王定宇與輕判蘇安生的天壤之別待遇- 樂多日誌

2008年10月31日 ... 主張和中國統一的「愛國同心會」成員蘇安生對駐日代表許世楷架拐子、踹前總統陳水扁臀部,才求刑四個月,還成了馬冏九流政府的國慶貴賓,王定宇明明 ... - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容 -

張銘清案 民進黨質疑差別待遇

中國評論 - ‎2009年9月21日‎
中評社台北9月22日電(記者鄒麗泳)民進黨籍台南市議員王定宇去年推倒大陸海協會副會長張銘清事件,台南地方法院昨天宣判,王定宇一審被判4個月。民進黨上午表達尊重司法判決結果,但也強調,原告張銘清從未到台灣出庭、也沒有配合司法辦案,相關證據顯示對張銘清非常禮遇 ...

張銘清跌倒案 王定宇8日起訴求刑1年2個月

自由電子報:王定宇被求刑 綠委批雙重標準 【10/30 11:48】




Saturday, September 19, 2009

馬干預司法 與納粹無異

德國慕尼黑大學講座教授許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)表示,「德國納粹時代的法律人選擇沉默,結果嚴重危害世人」、「在民主法治推動的過程,法律人絕不能裝聾又裝瞎,才不會淪為替政治服務,國家憲政運作才不致出現危機。」...

Why are 司法院長賴英照, 大法官, law professionals and anyone silent?

藍營圍攻洪英花 法界批馬下指導棋


指馬干預司法 與納粹無異

此位不願具名的司法官昨天引用德國慕尼黑大學講座教授許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)的說法表示,「德國納粹時代的法律人選擇沉默,結果嚴重危害世人」、「在民主法治推動的過程,法律人絕不能裝聾又裝瞎,才不會淪為替政治服務,國家憲政運作才不致出現危機。」


揚 塵綜合法律事務所律師林宇文昨天也表明認同洪英花論點,他表示,扁案於台北地院分案時,由幾位庭長開會後,逕將後起訴的「扁案」併給前案、審理「珍案」的 蔡守訓合議庭,這種以行政命令方式換法官,牴觸法官法定原則,蔡守訓所組成的合議庭不是合法法官,所做出來的判決當然自始無效,洪英花法官的論點沒有錯。

前 台北地院審判長、執業律師吳孟良表示,法官法定原則是審判獨立的核心,台北地院當初將有重大貪污及犯罪金額一億元以上的扁案定位在金融專庭審理,抽籤分案 後,由周占春審判長負責,就應該由他承審,即使北院後來以庭長會議的五位庭長決議更換法官,也不具代表性,應該是加上十三位審判長成員才對,否則應不致有 審判合法性與否的爭議。


綠營支持者 擬聲援洪英花

〔記 者李欣芳/台北報導〕士林地方法院庭長洪英花主張扁案判決自始無效,連日來遭藍營及親藍媒體圍剿,綠營支持者有聲援洪英花的聲浪,有綠營大老建議,可發動 送花給洪英花等為扁案人權發出正義之聲的法官,以實際行動給予溫暖,否則法界將來恐因扁案引發寒蟬效應,導致沒人敢講真話。


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Manthorpe: no convincing evidence
1,500-page judgment .. bafflegab

Evidence fails to support life sentence for Taiwan's former president

By Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver SunSeptember 16, 2009

When a court in Taiwan imposes a life sentence, there is an automatic appeal to a higher panel of judges, but former president Chen Shui-bian and his wife Wu Shu-chen should not nurse too many hopes that the draconian penalties imposed on them last week will be moderated.

From the start, the campaign to prosecute Chen, who stepped down in May last year after two four-year terms as president, and his wife for corruption have not passed the smell test of a fair and independent judicial process.

Many people both in Taiwan and abroad have commented since the process began that it looks more like political persecution of Chen, whose Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) promotes Taiwan as an independent nation, by the new Kuomintang (KMT) party of president Ma Ying-jeou than a genuine attempt to eradicate graft in high places.

Ma and the KMT, which for 50 years ran Taiwan as a one-party state under martial law until it was pushed by the United States into democratization in the late 1980s, have been edging Taiwan toward some kind of political union with China since they regained control of the administration in May last year.

In sentencing Chen and Wu to life in prison, the court has, doubtless inadvertently, presented Beijing with a gift and Taiwan's 23 million people a stern warning that they are not masters in their own house.

To put it bluntly, no convincing evidence was presented during the trial on which Chen could be convicted of corruption, embezzlement or money laundering by an impartial court, though that cannot be said of Wu, her brother or her children.

The campaign to prepare the expectation that Chen is guilty and would go to prison for a long time began during the investigation by prosecutors.

There was a steady stream of often scurrilous and insubstantial stories leaked to the media, whose proprietors are largely KMT supporters, spinning a web of guilt around Chen.

Chen was then held incommunicado for a month late last year before any indictment was presented. He was formally detained on Dec. 20 and when he applied for bail, was granted it.

But there was then an uproar by KMT legislators and a new judge was made head of the court. He is Tsai Shou-hsun, who, coincidentally no doubt, had recently found Ma not guilty of charges of, while mayor of Taipei, misusing discretionary funds, very similar charges that Chen faced.

Tsai immediately ordered Chen's pretrial detention to continue in case the former president tried to influence witnesses. And Tsai has presided over the trial and delivered the verdict.

And the documentation around these cases is so voluminous it smells of bafflegab.

The indictment is 202 pages in Chinese. The press release from the Taipei District Court announcing the verdict is 59 pages and this, apparently, is a prelude to the full 1,500-page judgment.

The first 190 pages of the indictment track the $30 million US in campaign donations and $15 million US in presidential discretionary funds on their way to accounts in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland.

This is the money laundering case, but it is only a crime if the money was illegally obtained. And nowhere in the prosecution's case is there evidence that this money was got illegally. There's a lot of supposition and sly suggestion, but no evidence.

In Taiwan, election law says, despite efforts by Chen's administration to change it in the face of KMT obstruction, that leftover campaign donations belong to the candidate. And Chen dealt with the discretionary funds in exactly the same way as predecessors.

Chen says he left the family finances to Wu, who is known to be avaricious and has some reason to seek the security that money brings.

In 1986, Chen and Wu, while travelling around Tainan County thanking supporters, were attacked by a man driving a farm tractor. The driver missed Chen, but ran over Wu and a campaign aide. He backed up and drove over Wu again and then drove over her a third time.

Her back was broken and since then she has had to use a wheelchair. The driver was questioned by police, who concluded it was an accident, and no charges were laid.

There is little doubt that Wu received bribes in the case of land acquisition for a high tech science park.

But there was no evidence that she told Chen. Indeed, all the evidence says the couple has fallen out because Wu lied to her husband about what was going on.

臺灣法律人 又聾又瞎

德國學者許迺曼:法律人不可又聾又瞎 2009年09月14日 23:04 中央社即時



  政治大學上午由校長吳思華頒授名譽法學博士學位給許迺曼,肯定他促進台德兩國法學教育與學術研究交流的貢獻;這是許迺曼(Bernd Schunemann)繼蒙古國家大學、西班牙薩拉哥薩大學、秘魯摩客瓜大學、喬治亞共和國第比利斯大學後,所獲得的第5個名譽博士學位。




Tuesday, September 15, 2009

扁案判決書長達1,400多頁 重約3公斤

How much of this 1,400 pages and 3 kg is evidence, the only thing valid in the court?
Almost none. See the full text at 扁案一審判決書.pdf

Why did the judge hand down a 3kg 1,400 page life-imprisonment verdict with almost no evidence?
Answer: this is not a legal case. This is political persecution.

士林地方法院刑庭長: 扁案判決自始無效

I hereby demand a clarification from the Justice Department and the Grand Justice:
when the case has been handled so unconstitutionally, is the verdict valid?
Why is Grand Justice silent on this? Why is the Justice Department silent on this?

◎ 洪英花 (士林地方法院 刑庭長)





憲 法第八條明定,人民非由法院依法定程序不得審問處罰。所謂「法院」,當指有審判權之法官所構成之獨任或合議之法院(司法院釋字第三八四號、第三九二號參 照)。「法定法官」乃能依法對人民審問處罰,蔡守訓合議庭為「簽呈法官」,對扁案既無審理權責,更無羈押權,扁案判決自始、當然無效。









司 法院釋字第四一八號指出「憲法第十六條保障人民有訴訟之權,旨在確保人民有依法定程序受公平審判之權利。」釋字第四三六號亦表明「國家刑罰權之發動與運 作,必須符合正當法律程序之最低要求。」個案正義的落實,所賴絕不止於實體審理結果的有罪、無罪,並兼含程序實踐的過程與堅持。(作者為士林地方法院 刑庭長)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

林勤綱 proves Taiwan lawless
with support from《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師

First watch this amazing video about prosecutor 林勤綱s theatrical performance in court (檢察官激情演出):

The media hailed his performance as touching. The problem is that 林勤綱 is not an actor paid to perform. He is a public servant getting paid to present beyond-reasonable-doubt evidence that the accused was guilty.

What 林勤綱 did was akin to singing in a library. He might be a tremendous singer, but his behavior is completely inappropriate. And yet the media applauded: praising his performance while ignoring the paucity of evidence presented against Chen.

A fellow who calls himself 《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師 wrote a very long article entitled 我所認識的林勤綱. The article, as his other articles,
  • does not condemn judicial system's unrestrained violation of due process,
  • does not condemn its open and completely shameless use of double standards in dealing with Ma and Chen in particular and KMT and others in general,
  • does not condemn 林勤綱's theatrical performance with absence of legal merits.
Instead, he praised 林勤綱:
I expected
傅雲欽 as a lawyer to educate people about the merit of the case. He did none of that. Worse, he handed Chen an early guilty verdict (陳水扁的罪行), and cheered 林勤綱:
  • 震撼人心
  • 搶盡陳水扁鋒頭
  • 他的「爆紅」
  • 陳水扁的慌張
What kind of person is 林勤綱?
This should make us reasonably and strongly question
林勤綱's integrity as a prosecutor. We must demand to know whether 蔡守訓 and others are also KMT members.

The following, just as 林勤綱's performing in court, is completely irrelevant and inappropriate:
Why is
虔誠的基督徒 relevant? Why is 他的老婆是台大歷史系畢業的學妹。聽說後來又到台大夜間部讀法律系 relevant?

Finally, a sample of 《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師's surprisingly colorful writing in which he showed satisfaction with KMT-owned judicial system.
  • 《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師: 你們不是還在吃國民黨人或統派的屎嗎?現在雖然改吃扁屎,但扁屎吃多了,就可以以滿口胡言亂語嗎? Translated: Arn't you still feasting on the feces of KMT or pro-annexation school? Now you switch to eating Chen's feces. Do you get a ticket to be full of gibberish if you get an overdose of Chen's feces?
  • 《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師: 別笑死人了,扁蟲! Translated: Don't make me laugh to death, Chen-insects!
  • 《建國廣場》傅雲欽律師: 試問現今這個時代,法官還要分藍綠嗎? Translated: At this age, should judges still be partisan?
The last bullet shows 傅雲欽's satisfaction with KMT-owned judicial system. He sees no problem with
  • judicial system's unfairness and violation of due process in Chen and Ma's cases
  • judicial system's stonewalling Diane Lee's (李慶安) case for 513 days as of today
  • judicial system's stonewalling all treason cases against Ma ying-Jeou. The sidebar shows: 柯建銘2008年8月9日控告馬英九叛國, 距今 363
  • judicial system's refusal to investigate Ma and Hau for 貓纜, 捷運木柵內湖線, and 新生高架橋改善工程
Jerome Cohen and Jerome Keating, among so many others, wrote repeatedly to criticize the judicial system's persecution of Chen. Are these people 陳水扁的打手, 蟲, or 扁奴?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

扁案司法鬧劇 國外媒體注意
But Taiwanese are mute

Relative to the shock and disgust felt outside of Taiwan about the incredibly illegal proceedings in KMT's persecution of 陳水扁 and his family and friends, Taiwanese are amazingly mute. In regards to the extreme unethical and unprofessional conducts of 台北地檢署檢察官,
In a celebration of the 63rd Law Day (司法節), ... Taipei District Prosecutor Office arranged a show on the stage to humiliate the accused, the former President Chen Shui-bian, who is still under THEIR OWN ongoing investigations.
Taiwanese reactions are inappropriate for civilized people:
  • None of the prosecutors had been disciplined
  • Not only that, Justice Minister Wang openly defended the act as clean fun
  • Judges, prosecutors and lawyers being entertained during the infamous event have been silent, making me wonder how they have the courage and sense of justice to defend citizens' rights.
Taiwanese should reflect on why it is foreigners who are fighting for their justice.





台北地方法院這個星期的密集開庭,審判的案件包括檢方對陳水扁及其家人的貪污,收賄,洗錢等指控,檢察官在一起政府單位收 購民間土地的案件中,以"借勢借端勒索"等多項罪名起訴陳水扁。對於被冠上這種一般用於起訴地痞流氓的罪名,陳水扁在法庭上說這是對他的羞辱,令他死不瞑 目。







馬英九此前已多次作過類似的表示,再度表態可能與他在美國哈佛大學求學時的教授孔傑榮(Jerome Cohen)一段公開喊話有關,他說希望馬英九不要讓此案成為鬧劇,並應阻止令人越來越感到不安的鬧劇氣氛。




但針對台灣政府對陳水扁相關案件的處理,孔傑榮認為馬英九迎合國民黨內的極端派, 並說馬迎合右派保守勢力的作法,與剛卸任的美國總統布什類似。

這起案子是否能受到公平審判,除了受到美國學者的關切外,也受到剛離任的英國駐台代表麥瑞裡(Michael Reilly)的關心。






對於痛恨陳水扁的一派來說,他們認為陳水扁一切待遇都有罪有應得並應受更嚴厲對待, 一些對輿論有引導作用的"名嘴"與國民黨立委,並且例常性的在台灣媒體上對陳水扁提出各種指控。





US-based Taiwan experts add names to open letter

By William Lowther
Saturday, Jan 24, 2009, Page 3

Two important Taiwan experts based in Washington have added their names to the open letter published in the Taipei Times earlier this week expressing concern about what they see as an erosion of justice in Taiwan.

The new signatories are former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Randall Schriver and George Washington University academic Michael Yahuda.

In the original letter a group of international academics and writers urged President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to order an independent inquiry into the way police squashed protests during the visit of Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin (陳雲林).

The letter said: “The establishment of a scrupulously neutral commission is essential if there is to be a fair and objective conclusion on the disturbances that occurred during the Chen Yunlin visit.”

Freedom House, Amnesty International and US professor Jerome Cohen have also strongly recommended an independent inquiry.

At the same time, the group has expressed concern about the legal proceedings in the case of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and political pressure from KMT members of the Legislative Yuan that preceded a switch from a three-judge panel that had released the former president on his own cognizance to a court that subsequently detained him again.

The letter said there had been a “widespread pattern of leaks to the media regarding ongoing cases — leaks, which because of their content and nature can only have come from the prosecutors’ offices.”

It mentioned a recent skit in which some prosecutors involved in Chen’s case poked fun at the former president.

“This pattern of behavior displays a distinct bias in the judicial system and a disregard for fair and impartial processes,” it said.

It concluded by again urging Ma “to ensure that your government and its judiciary and parliamentary institutions safeguard the full democracy, human rights and freedom of expression.”

In an article published this week in its Taiwan Communique, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs said the last few months had seen a further erosion of human rights and democracy in Taiwan.

It said the downward slide started in mid-October with the arrest and detention of former and present officials of the Democratic Progressive Party administration and worsened with aggressive police behavior during the Chen Yunlin visit in early November.

“Both developments were reminiscent of Taiwan’s police state under the Kuomintang’s [KMT] martial law, which lasted from 1947 until 1987,” the article said.

It quoted Cohen, who was Ma’s law professor at Harvard, as saying that the recent court proceedings against Chen Shui-bian “mocked the promise” of fairness.

“At what point does the presumption of innocence become meaningless and the pre-conviction detention morph into punishment for a crime not finally proved?” Cohen asked.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

台北地檢署檢察官: Extreme unethical and unprofessional conducts

The shocking episode is detailed here: Taipei District Prosecutors Humiliate the Accused of Their Ongoing Investigations. Another good read is 台北地檢署徹底污辱司法節. Both expressed outrage and strongest condemnation. But we need more. Citizens should demand:
  1. these unethical and unprofessional civil servants be immediately dismissed from their post and be punished to the full extent of the law, and
  2. a complete and immediate overhaul of the judicial system.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How farcial is the judicial?

JFK says it well in his 2008-12-31 posting: The KMT's ex-legislator Diane Lee: the Smell of Rotten Fish Becomes Stronger in Taiwan
Is justice partial in Taiwan? Only the blind cannot see that one.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

pretends ethical
contemptuous of law

I. This news makes people assume that 司法院長賴英照 think highly of ethics.
yam天空新聞 - 2008年12月29日
〔記者羅正明/竹縣報導〕司法院長賴英照昨天應邀到中央大學法律及政治研究所演講,他鼓勵學生專業之外也要重視倫理。並指考試院已慎重考量兩年後的律師考試,是否加考倫理考題。 有學生當面問及陳水扁洗錢案,但他強調不適合對個案發表意見。 賴英照的講題是「我的學思 ...
II. The next news showed that two judges protested to the same 司法院長賴英照 that the proceeding in the case of 扁案 was unconstitutional.
司法樁腳說 洪英花:受過國民黨栽培
自由時報 - 13小時前
〔本報訊〕台北地方法院將扁案併給審判長蔡守訓的合議庭審理引發部分外界輿論,宜蘭地方法院院長黃瑞華與士林地方法院刑庭庭長洪英花12月31日上午聯袂主動求見司法院長賴英照表達不認同,結果引發國民黨立委邱毅、蔡正元昨日在政論節目暗批兩位法官是陳前總統的「司法樁 ...

聯合新聞網 - 2008年12月30日
台北地方法院就扁案分案引發外界疑慮,有法官投書報章及在內部論壇網站批評,要求司法院調查,以釋群疑;司法院長賴英照昨天重申,司法院不評論個案,且避免採取可能讓外界認為影響獨立公正審判的措施。 扁家弊案先分案給審判長周占春的重金庭,後來又併案給原審判國務機 ...
賴英照:尊重司法給法官純淨審判空間 自由時報
地院高層批扁案併給蔡守訓有違審判獨立應回復周占春 NOWnews
扁案北院抽籤引質疑司法院:不評論個案 臺灣新浪網

The allegation that 扁案 proceeding was unconstitutional cannot be answered with No comment:
黃瑞華與洪英花: the case was handled unconstitionally because of ...
賴英照: No comment.
To say no comment means he will proceed even if the case is indeed handled unconstitutionally. As Justice Chief, he is responsible to make sure that the case was handled legally. So, why is it that he did not even put out a pretense of respecting law? The ethical facade was destroyed by his unethically stonewalling us with no comments when we need him to assure us that the proceeding was legal.

Finally, what's his comment about stonewalling 李慶安's American citizenship investigation for 300 days and 馬英九叛國 cases for 150 days? He has nothing to say.

KMT stonewalls 李慶安 investigation for 300 days

Today marks the 300th day that KMT stonewalls citizens' request to investigate 李慶安's American citizenship. The judicial system is not wavering. It refused to do anything about 李慶安. 李慶安 is free to flee like 王又曾. Perhaps she is already out of the country.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Alan Mulcany: 陳雲南, 王清峰, 邱毅
should be charged for gross acts of interference

Alan Mulcany quotables:
The KMT believes that it is not accountable to anyone (except the Chinese Communist Party) and that it can get away with everything.

By now it should be crystal clear that KMT is the cancerous growth that must be eradicated from Taiwanese public life, but how do you achieve this?
the ruling KMT does not have the foggiest idea what [democratic] values are.

all Taiwanese who care one iota about their country's future had better learn from the Wild Strawberries, and fairly quickly.

Taiwan's Dreyfus Affair
Swords, County Dublin, Ireland

Those familiar with French history might know that last century "l'Affaire Dreyfus" split French public opinion down the middle, just as the "l'Affaire Chen Shui-bian [陳水扁]" threatens to do in Taiwan nowadays.

First of all, whether I regard Chen as guilty or innocent of the charges brought against him is irrelevant right now. It is the procedure followed against Chen that matters.

The procedure that has been used might be normal in countries like China or North Korea, but should have no place in a democratic country like Taiwan claims to be.

I am no legal expert, but I do know that in countries like Ireland, Britain and most other European countries, any action aimed at influencing an upcoming trial is a criminal offense known as "Contempt of Court."

And if a prosecutor like Chen Yun-nan (陳雲南) were to engage in such an offense, aside from being immediately kicked out of the judiciary, he would have certainly been charged, along with Justice Minister Wang Ching-feng (王清峰), Legislator Chiu Yi (邱毅) and many other Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) officials for their gross acts of interference in the ongoing proceedings against Chen.

Going back to Captain Dreyfus, thankfully he was eventually found innocent and rightly so. But regarding Chen, despite the numerous "J'accuse [I accuse]" and "Nous accusons [we accuse]" launched by human rights campaigners and legal experts from the world over, I would not hold my breath.

For a start, France at that time was already a country somehow committed to democratic values, while the ruling KMT does not have the foggiest idea what such values are.

The KMT believes that it is not accountable to anyone (except the Chinese Communist Party) and that it can get away with everything.

By now it should be crystal clear that KMT is the cancerous growth that must be eradicated from Taiwanese public life, but how do you achieve this?

I have seen messages on pro-Taiwan discussion boards calling for things like revolution, civil war, and so on, but as an Irishman (whose country has gone through all this before), I don't agree.

I do believe that the Taiwanese can start their rebellion against the KMT dictatorship with a peaceful Gandhi-style campaign. The campaign would include extremely noisy protests and demonstrations, strikes (especially in companies owned by the KMT or pro-KMT business-folks), boycotts (like postal workers refusing to handle mail directed to the government or KMT offices, dock workers refusing to handle ships coming from or bound for China), blockades, occupations, refusals to pay taxes or fines and many more acts of civil disobedience. The list is endless.

I know that in Taiwan there is not the same militant and rebellious mentality as, say, in Greece, but for the sake of Taiwan's future, all Taiwanese who care one iota about their country's future had better learn from the Wild Strawberries, and fairly quickly.


Swords, County Dublin, Ireland

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Demand immediate arrest of 李慶安
before she flees like 王又曾 V

Here is a powerful article 台北地檢署為什麼不法辦重罪犯李慶安?

I would like 臺北地方法院檢察署 to answer this question, so I submitted (part of ) the article to 台灣台北地方法院檢察署 檢察長信箱. In seconds, I received an acknowledgment from 台灣台北地方法院檢察署 like this:
date Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 6:21 PM
subject 《臺灣台北地方法院檢察署檢察長信箱確認信》

寄件者 :xxx





If you send similar messages to 台北地檢署, please consider including the URL of this blog 台灣極不公平的司法是人民最大公敵
Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one
It gives clear-as-day-light answer to the question: 台北地檢署為什麼不法辦重罪犯李慶安? Because she is a KMT person.